Business Consulting Services The C.O.G. consulting staff is comprised of professionals with hands-on business experience directly from the Architecture, Engineering and Consulting communities. Unlike a CPA firm, whose focus can often be tax related, C.O.G. specializes on project management, business processes, operations, human interaction, and profitability. We collaborate directly with principals, project managers and end-users to provide thorough solutions.
Business Strategy Some businesses succeed and some fail under the exact same circumstances and in exactly the same business. The difference is their point of view about what a business is, and what one is not. The difference is that successful business owners were all entrepreneurs, and that the vast majority of people who go into business are not.
Tight economic conditions, increased competition and new business strategies require organizations to look for ways to improve their operational effectiveness. Factors that drive the need for business process change include:
- Collaboration and growth
- Regulatory compliance
- Increased productivity and consolidations
- Technology adoption
- New business strategies
- Business and IT alignment
Tackling these issues requires an organization to rethink and redesign its core processes to support current business goals and optimize existing and future technology investments. This requires an approach that challenges today’s norms, leverages the best ideas from inside the organization and looks outside for innovation. Organizations lacking such an approach often miss opportunities to add value to their bottom line.
Mentoring and Executive Coaching You do not need someone to tell you how to run your business. Your success is evidence of that. Though some moments, you feel your work, your team, even you could be better. But, something’s stopping you; something’s in the way. Even the best of leaders have habits, perceptions, and obstacles that keep them from moving from good to exceptional. Exceptional corporate leaders take the time to think through and develop a clear picture of where they wan the organization to be in one, three and five years. Leaders have the ability to communicate this vision in such a way that others “buy-in” and eventually see the vision as belonging to them. Our clients discover how to work towards less waste, less stress, and less confusion.
Business Review We understand that each client’s particular situation is unique – and therefore deserves our complete devotion and commitment to their success. At C.O.G., we realize how important it is to work collaboratively with our clients to determine the optimal plan for success and implement the most effective solutions. Ultimately, our solutions contribute to BLISS as summarized below.
Balance is about how you live your life and manage and people. Pay attention to both and bottom-line results. Balance the whole, i.e. organizational needs, and the parts, be they large (functions) or small (or individuals). Balance internal (creating value for organization and employees) and external (creating value for investors, customers, and society as a whole).
Leadership is more than just having the authority of a management or supervisory position. Authority (or position power) gets you compliance. Leadership (or influence power) gets you commitment. The best leaders challenge the process, inspire, enable others to act, model the way, and encouraging the heart.
Innovation Shift to the demands a renewed emphasis on innovation. This new economy is led by those who innovate – create, find and/or combine knowledge into new products, services, and distribution methods – faster than their competitors. Innovation is above all spurred by entrepreneurial action, aimed at creating value through the application of knowledge
Synergy Corporate strategy seeks to develop synergies by sharing and coordinating staff and other resources across business units, investing financial resources across business units, and using business units to complement other corporate business activities.
Speed is an indispensable ingredient of competitiveness and a precondition for winning in the new rapidly changing economy. “Speed keeps businesses – and people – young… Speed exhilarates and energizes. It’s addictive, and it’s a taste you need to cultivate.”