Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is COG?
- What does COG do?
- How will COG help my business?
- How will my company be different?
- Do we have to use all of COG’s services?
- How am I kept involved in decision-making?
- Will you deal directly with my customers?
- Why should I hire Consolidated Operations Group?
Who is COG?
COG is a group of Finance/Accounting, IT and HR professionals that are dedicated to serving you. Based in Chicago, we bring 30+ years of experience to the table specializing in the professional services industry with a focus on architectural design and the legal communities. Founded by Stephen Rittenhouse, COG is a solution that allows you to transform your business and focus on the reason you started your company.
What does COG do?
COG offers a variety of services in the areas of Human Resources, Information Technology, Financial Management, Facilities Management and Business Development. Please see our Services page for in-depth detail. Based upon the needs of your organization, we can help with one or all functions. If what you are looking for is not mentioned, feel free to ask us. We are more than happy to accommodate you or help point you in the right direction.
How will COG help my business?
COG allows you to return your focus to your business. COG relieves you of often unruly overhead administrative functions. As a result, you will see increased efficiencies, reduced costs and a more satisfied client due to greater customer satisfaction from your administrative employees. Our combined effort allows you access to additional resources and best practice solutions.
How will my company be different?
Professional COG employees will conduct all services that COG is hired for. Current processes will be reviewed and modified if necessary.
To start this discussion as it relates specifically to your company, please go to the Contact Us page.
Do we have to use all of COG’s services?
No, COG is here to meet your needs and tailor a program to fit your organization. Any or all of our services are offered.
How am I kept involved in decision-making?
COG works for you. Your company will be assigned an Account Rep that is dedicated to answering all of your questions and keeping you informed. Together, decisions will be made to move your company in the right direction.
Will you deal directly with my customers?
As back office support, COG will maintain the contact level that you desire.
Why should I hire Consolidated Operations Group?
COG can transform your business. If you are a forward thinker who is open to making your organization more efficient while reducing costs and creating a better working environment, please contact us to discuss this solution in more detail.